Tech & TIL

Line Charts 본문

Data Science

Line Charts

Jadon Yang 2022. 5. 9. 16:41

Ref: Kaggle Data Visualization Course


2017 ~ 2018 Spotify의 Daily streams

Line Plot


인턴십때 Line plot은 일반적으로 x축에 Time Series, y축에 집계량을 표현하는 것이다는 피드백을 받았다. 항상 Plot을 그릴때는 목적에 맞는 것을 명확하게 사용하자!!

Additional information

# Set the width and height of the figure

# Add title
plt.title("Daily Global Streams of Popular Songs in 2017-2018")

# Line chart showing daily global streams of each song 

Plot a subset of the data

데이터 일부분만 그리기

# Set the width and height of the figure

# Add title
plt.title("Daily Global Streams of Popular Songs in 2017-2018")

# Line chart showing daily global streams of 'Shape of You'
sns.lineplot(data=spotify_data['Shape of You'], label="Shape of You")

# Line chart showing daily global streams of 'Despacito'
sns.lineplot(data=spotify_data['Despacito'], label="Despacito")

# Add label for horizontal axis

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